Results for 'Wilma S. Longstreet'

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  1.  25
    Negro Playwrights in the American Theatre 1925-1959The Black Aesthetic.Wilma S. Longstreet, Doris E. Abramson & Addison Gayle - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 6 (3):119.
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    Black Song: The Forge and the Flame. [REVIEW]Wilma S. Longstreet - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (4):115.
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    Conversion Disorder Diagnosis and Medically Unexplained Symptoms.Michael James Redinger, Parker Crutchfield, Tyler S. Gibb, Peter Longstreet & Robert Strung - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):31-33.
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    Dewey’s Link with Daoism: Ideals of nature, cultivation practices, and applications in lessons.Wilma J. Maki - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (2):150-164.
    This article explores the pedagogical implications of John Dewey’s claim that his definition of experience is shared by Daoists. It compares characteristics of experience with those in Daoism, and then considers the similarities and differences between key cultivation practices each proposes, focusing on the roles of the teacher and sage. My main reference to Daoism is the translation of the Daodejing by Roger Ames and David Hall, who use Dewey’s conception of experience to explain the character of Daoism. There are (...)
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    Lowly Notions: Forgetting in William James's Moral Universe.Wilma Koutstaal - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (4):609 - 635.
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    Diaspora History Construction and Slave Culture Formation on Small U.S. Plantations.Wilma A. Dunaway - 2004 - ProtoSociology 20:186-200.
    This analysis of enslavement in an American South subregion provides an historical microcosm for understanding the complexities of provincial culture formation in the modern world-system. Simultaneously rooted in multiple points of local and world-systemic origin, peoplehood is an historical product of the capitalist world-system. Despite widespread notions to the contrary, low black population density and geographical isolation did not forestall slave community building on small plantations. Despite extreme repression, slaves dialectically preserved and altered hidden transcripts in order to recapture pasts (...)
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    Kojève, Hyppolite et Bourgeois. Trois voies de l’hégélianisme.Wilma Pilati - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 140 (1):89-104.
    Cet article cherche à mettre en avant certains parcours s’ouvrant après Hegel à travers trois figures hégéliennes. L’essai se concentre sur un point de la Phénoménologie jugé équivoque par Kojève, ambigu par Hyppolite et porteur d’interrogations par Bourgeois, en voulant d’abord répondre à la question suivante : peut‑on parler d’un seul héritage de la pensée hégélienne ou faut‑il plutôt reconnaître qu’il y en a plusieurs? Les différentes lectures proposées par chaque interprète ouvrent à trois conceptions différentes du rapport entre le (...)
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    America's Cultural Experiment in China, 1942-1949.Charles H. Hedtke & Wilma Fairbank - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):498.
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    What’s in a name? A discussion on the definition of natural and unnatural causes of death. [REVIEW]Wilma L. J. M. Duijst-Heesters, Koos van der Velden & Cécile M. Woudenberg-van den Broek - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-6.
    AbstractWhen considering the manner of death, two categories can be distinguished, namely natural death and unnatural death. Though most physicians think that the distinction between the two is evident, this is not the case.When comparing the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Germany it is noticed that the terms natural and unnatural might be used in law but are not defined by law. In practice, the term unnatural death is used when there is an external cause of death, but even that turns (...)
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  10. Scientific Contribution. Empirical data and moral theory. A plea for integrated empirical ethics.Bert Molewijk, Anne M. Stiggelbout, Wilma Otten, Heleen M. Dupuis & Job Kievit - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (1):55-69.
    Ethicists differ considerably in their reasons for using empirical data. This paper presents a brief overview of four traditional approaches to the use of empirical data: “the prescriptive applied ethicists,” “the theorists,” “the critical applied ethicists,” and “the particularists.” The main aim of this paper is to introduce a fifth approach of more recent date (i.e. “integrated empirical ethics”) and to offer some methodological directives for research in integrated empirical ethics. All five approaches are presented in a table for heuristic (...)
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    Deborah McGrady, The Writer’s Gift or the Patron’s Pleasure?: The Literary Economy in Late Medieval France. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2018. Pp. xii, 321; 16 black-and-white figures. $85. ISBN: 978-1-4875-0365-9. [REVIEW]Sarah Wilma Watson - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):535-536.
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    Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement: Examining the Ethical Principles Guiding College Students’ Abstention.Niloofar Bavarian, Stephanie Sumstine, Jocelyne Mendez, Kyle Yomogida, Wilma Figueroa & Cammie Lam - 2018 - Neuroethics 12 (3):271-278.
    Objectives To understand the ethical principles guiding college students’ abstention from pharmacological cognitive enhancement, and to determine the correlates associated with endorsing different principles. Design One-stage cluster sampling was used to implement a paper-based survey among undergraduate students attending one university in the U.S. Thematic analysis was used to explore the ethical principles guiding PCE abstention. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to examine sociodemographic correlates associated with endorsed ethical principles. Participants Of the 499 eligible students who completed the survey, (...)
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  13.  26
    The Multifaceted Role of Self‐Generated Question Asking in Curiosity‐Driven Learning.Kara Kedrick, Paul Schrater & Wilma Koutstaal - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13253.
    Curiosity motivates the search for missing information, driving learning, scientific discovery, and innovation. Yet, identifying that there is a gap in one's knowledge is itself a critical step, and may demand that one formulate a question to precisely express what is missing. Our work captures the integral role of self‐generated questions during the acquisition of new information, which we refer to as active‐curiosity‐driven learning. We tested active‐curiosity‐driven learning using our “Curiosity Question & Answer Task” paradigm, where participants (N=135) were asked (...)
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  14.  72
    "This Past Was Waiting for Me When I Came": The Contextualization of Black Women's HistoryLiving in, Living Out: African American Domestics in Washington, D.C., 1910-1940The Memphis Diary of Ida B. Wells: An Intimate Portrait of the Activist as a Young WomanBlack Women in America: An Historical EncyclopediaHine Sight: Black Women and the Re-Construction of American HistoryWe Specialize in the Wholly Impossible: A Reader in Black Women's HistoryRighteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880-1920. [REVIEW]Francille Rusan Wilson, Elizabeth Clark-Lewis, Miriam DeCosta-Willis, Darlene Clark Hine, Elsa Barkley Brown, Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, Wilma King, Linda Reed & Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham - 1996 - Feminist Studies 22 (2):345.
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    James Longstreet, Lee's War Horse. [REVIEW]W. Patrick Donnelly - 1939 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 14 (4):651-651.
  16.  7
    Sync Sound / Sink Sound. Audiovision und Synchronisation in Michael Snows Rameau's Nephew by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen.Jan Philip Müller - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 5 (2):141-160.
    Michael Snows »talking picture« »Rameau’s Nephew […]« (1974) entwickelt eine – laufend aus den Fugen geratende – Taxonomie audiovisueller Verhältnisse des Tonfilms. Der Beitrag durchstreift diesen Experimentalfilm, indem er drei Motive – Übersetzung, Fläche, Wasser – nachverfolgt, an denen Tonfilm erprobt, reflektiert und erfahrbar wird. Dabei kristallisiert sich in Umschlagsmomenten zwischen technischer Bild-Ton-Synchronisation und »Synchresis« (Michel Chion) – irreduzibel audiovisuelle Synthese der Wahrnehmung – ein kritischer Punkt des Mediums Tonfilm heraus. Synchronisation ist von solchen Momenten aus als Prozess zu verstehen, (...)
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    Sync Sound / Sink Sound. Audiovision und Synchronisation in Michael Snows Rameau's Nephew by Diderot by Wilma Schoen.Jan Philip Müller - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2014 (5):313-332.
    Micheal Snow's talking picture »Rameau's Nephew […]« develops an ever unstable taxonomy of audio-visual relations in the talking movie. The contribution investigates this experimental film by following three motives – translation, surface, water – with which the talking movie reflects itself. Thus, moments of transition between mere technical lip-sync and »synchresis« – prove to be a critical point of the talking movie. In this perspective, synchronization is to be understood as a process which distributes and correlates potentials of homogenization and (...)
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    Book Review: Gendered Commodity Chains: Seeing Women’s Work and Households in Global Production by Wilma A. Dunaway. [REVIEW]Francesca Degiuli - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (3):542-544.
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  19. Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):243-261.
    It should not be possible to read nineteenth-century British literature without remembering that imperialism, understood as England’s social mission, was a crucial part of the cultural representation of England to the English. The role of literature in the production of cultural representation should not be ignored. These two obvious “facts” continue to be disregarded in the reading of nineteenth-century British literature. This itself attests to the continuing success of the imperialist project, displaced and dispersed into more modern forms.If these “facts” (...)
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    Impossible obligations and the non-identity problem.Robert Noggle - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (9):2371-2390.
    In a common example of the non-identity problem, a person deliberately conceives a child who she knows will have incurable blindness but a life well worth living. Although Wilma’s decision seems wrong, it is difficult to say why. This paper develops and defends a version of the “indirect strategy” for solving the NIP. This strategy rests on the idea that it is wrong to deliberately make it impossible to fulfill an obligation; consequently, it is wrong for Wilma to (...)
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  21.  11
    Signifier ce qui n’est pas selon Aristote1.Cláudio William Veloso - 2006 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 43:49-84.
    À Wilma, ma mère, qui n’est plus et à mon fils, qui n’est pas encore. Aristote affirme dans les Seconds Analytiques : « il est possible de signifier aussi les choses qui ne sont pas (σημαίνειν… τὰ μὴ ὄντα). » Même sans contextualiser cette phrase, on s’aperçoit d’emblée qu’à proprement parler il n’est pas question ici du néant, mais de ce qui n’est pas. Aristote le dit même au pluriel. En effet, chez Aristote nombreuses sont les choses...
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  22. The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 22.Jerome A. Winer - 1994 - Routledge.
    Volume 22 of _The Annual of Psychoanalysis_ begins with the provocative reflections of Jane Flax and Robert Michels on the current status and future prospects of psychoanalysis a century after Freud. Flax believes that analysis will not survive in the postmodern West if analysts cling to the medical model and the notion of analysis as a clinical science; Michels believes analysis will be revivified in the next century by reorganizing its training institutes within universities. A section on "Psychoanalysis and the (...)
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    Confucianism: An Introduction.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2010 - I.B. Tauris.
    "China has 'arrived,' and Ronnie Littlejohn helps us know this antique culture better. In his entirely accessible introduction, Littlejohn has done the academy the timely service of resourcing the best contemporary research in sinology to tell the compelling story of a living Confucianism as it has meandered through the dynasties to flow down to our present time." -- Roger T. Ames, Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawai’i "Although basically intended as an introductory text for undergraduates, this book is equally a (...)
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  24. Not Work, but Alienation and Education. Bildung in Hegel’s Phenomenology.Asger Sørensen - 2015 - Hegel Studien 49:57-88.
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    Americanized Comic Braggarts.Walter Blair - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (2):331-349.
    During nearly two centuries, American storytellers have celebrated comic figures, ebullient showoffs who turned up on one frontier after another—in the old South, in Kentucky and Tennessee, along the great inland rivers, in the mountains and the mines and on the prairies. Often, the stories went, when these characters engaged in a favorite pastime—playfully bragging about their strength, their skill and their exploits—they used animal metaphors such as Opossum, Screamer, Half-Horse Half-Alligator, the Big Bear of Arkansas or Gamecock of the (...)
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    Psēphides: gia mia theōria tēs logotechnias.Giōrgos Veloudēs - 1992 - Athēna: Ekdoseis "Gnōsē".
  27.  14
    Chapter six. Philosopher as parrhe¯siaste¯s.S. Sara Monoson - 2000 - In Susan Sara Monoson (ed.), Plato’s Democratic Entanglements: Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 154-180.
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    Hegel's philosophy of action.Lawrence S. Stepelevich & David Lamb (eds.) - 1983 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Papers delivered at the joint meeting of the Hegel Society of America and the Hegel Society of Great Britain held at Merton College, Oxford, Sept. 1-4, 1981, to mark the 150th anniversary of Hegel's death. Includes bibliographical references and index.
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  29. aCCENT TrumpS raCE iN GuiDiNG ChilDrEN'S SOCial prEfErENCES.Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    A series of experiments investigated the effect of speakers’ language, accent, and race on children’s social preferences. When presented with photographs and voice recordings of novel children, 5-year-old children chose to be friends with native speakers of their native language rather than foreign-language or foreign-accented speakers. These preferences were not exclusively due to the intelligibility of the speech, as children found the accented speech to be comprehensible, and did not make social distinctions between foreign-accented and foreign-language speakers. Finally, children chose (...)
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  30.  9
    U.S. Healthcare Provider Views and Practices Regarding Planned Birth Setting.Marielle S. Gross, Ha Vi Nguyen, Jessica L. Bienstock & Natalie R. Shovlin-Bankole - 2024 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 35 (1):23-36.
    Background: Little is known about U.S. healthcare provider views and practices regarding evidence, counseling, and shared decision-making about in-hospital versus out-of-hospital birth settings. Methods: We conducted 19 in-depth, semistructured, qualitative interviews of eight obstetricians, eight midwives, and three pediatricians from across the United States. Interviews explored healthcare providers’ interpretation of the current evidence and their personal and professional experiences with childbirth within the existing medical, ethical, and legal context in the United States. Results: Themes emerged concerning risks and benefits, decision-making, (...)
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    Deleuze’s Difference.Matthew S. Linck - 2008 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (4):509 – 532.
    This article delineates the core concerns and motivations of the ontological work of Gilles Deleuze, and is intended as a programmatic statement for a general philosophical audience. The article consists of two main parts. In the first, two early writings by Deleuze are analysed in order to clarify his understanding of ontology broadly, and to specify the precise aim of his understanding of being in terms of difference. The second part of the article looks at the work of Heidegger and (...)
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  32.  4
    Jainism from the view point of Vedāntic Ācāryas: with special reference to Nimbārka, Śaṅkara, and Rāmānuja.Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī - 2003 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning & Research.
    Lectures based on the commentaries on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa.
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  33. ed. IDA on Will: It's no Illusion.S. Franklin - forthcoming - Science and Consciousness Review.
  34.  9
    4. An Exploration of Lonergan's New Notion of Value.S. J. Crowe - 2006 - In Appropriating the Lonergan Idea. University of Toronto Press. pp. 51-70.
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    Chapter 18. Rhyme and Reason: On Lonergan's Foundations for Works of the Spirit.S. J. Crowe - 2004 - In Developing the Lonergan Legacy: Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Themes. University of Toronto Press. pp. 314-331.
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    Plato's Protagoras.John S. Treantafelles - 1992
  37. (1 other version)Metodologicheskie ustanovki uchenogo: priroda i funkt︠s︡ii.V. P. Vorozht︠s︡ov - 1986 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by A. T. Moskalenko & R. G. I︠A︡novskiĭ.
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  38.  18
    Een confrontatie tussen barths theologische theologie en Merleau-ponty's filosofische filosofie.S. U. Zuidema - 1959 - Philosophia Reformata 24 (2):90-96.
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    Bonaventure’s Delight in Sensation.Helen S. Lang - 1986 - New Scholasticism 60 (1):72-90.
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    Bickenbach's and Davies's Good Reasons for Better Arguments.Don S. Levi - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (1).
  41. Curente și tendințe în filozofia românească.Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu - 1971 - București,: Editura politică.
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  42.  68
    Plato's Republic and Greek Morality on Lying.Jane S. Zembaty - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (4):517-545.
  43. Diachronikē diastasē stē zōē: eisagōgē stēn plastikē domē tēs vio-iatrikēs anazētēsēs: ereunētikē dokimē.I. N. Augoustēs - 1992 - Athēna: Iatrikes Ekd. LITSAS.
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    Essays on Ayn Rand's "We the Living".Michael S. Berliner, Andrew Bernstein, Jeff Britting, Dina Garmong, Onkar Ghate, John Lewis, Scott McConnell, Shoshana Milgram, Richard E. Ralston, John Ridpath, Tara Smith & Jena Trammell - 2004 - Lexington Books.
    Ayn Rand's first novel, We the Living, offers an early form of the author's nascent philosophy—the philosophy Rand later called Objectivism. Robert Mayhew's collection of entirely new essays brings together pre-eminent scholars of Rand's writing. In part a history of We the Living, from its earliest drafts to the Italian film later based upon it, Mayhew's collection goes on to explore the enduring significance of Rand's first novel as a work both of philosophy and of literature.
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    (1 other version)Church's Thesis and Bishop's Constructivism.Douglas S. Bridges - 2006 - In A. Olszewski, J. Wole'nski & R. Janusz (eds.), Church's Thesis After Seventy Years. Ontos Verlag. pp. 1--58.
  46. Ilmiĭ-tekhnika revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡si uning khususii︠a︡ti, mon̄ii︠a︡ti sot︠s︡ial roli.Boris Mikhaĭlovich Palat︠s︡kiĭ - 1971
  47. Author's Response: Evaluating CALM.F. S. Perotto - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):65-72.
    Upshot: In this response, I address the points raised in the commentaries, in particular those related to the scalability and robustness of the mechanism CALM, to its relation with the CAES architecture, and to the transition from sensorimotor to symbolic.
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  48. Socrates, Philosophy in Plato's Early Dialogues.S. Marc Cohen - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (1):153.
    Review of Socrates, Philosophy in Plato's Early Dialogues, by Gerasimos X. Santas.
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  49. Brahmasūtra-catuḥsūtrī: the first four aphorisms of Brahmasūtras along with Śaṅkarācārya's commentary with English translation, notes, and index = Brahmasūtracatuḥsūtrī: Śrīśāṅkarabhāṣyasahitā.Haradatta Śarmā - 1940 - Poona: Oriental Book Agency. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
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    Pliny's Letters.W. S. Maguinness - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (3-4):265-.
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